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Astrozap Dobsonian Light Shrouds, Shields & Dust Covers
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This USA-made light shroud prevents stray light and dew from getting to the Sky-Watcher 16" Flex-Tube Dobsonian's optics. It consists of light, breathable black fabric with upper and lower draw strings tp secure it in place. Two ABS bands make sure this
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AstroZap Light Shroud for Sky-Watcher 16" Flex-Tube Dobsonian - AZ1309
Astrozap's Light Shrouds are a necessary accessory for all owners of Meade Light Bridge open tube (truss) Dobsonian telescopes. Truss telescopes leave a large amount of space open to the air between the primary and secondary. This design saves weight, but
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Astrozap Light Shroud for 16" Meade LightBridge Telescopes - AZ1304
Made from light weight breathable black fabric. Two ABS bands prevent the Sky-Watcher Dob light shroud from obstructing the light path. Upper and lower draw strings. Blocks stray light & dew from reaching the optics. Increased image contrast. Made in the
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Astrozap Light Shroud For Sky Watcher 14" Flex Tube Dobsonians - AZ1308
Astrozap Light Shrouds are made from light weight breathable black fabric. Two ABS bands prevent shroud from obstructing the light path. Upper and lower draw strings. Blocks stray light & dew from reaching the optics. Increased image contrast. Made in the
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Astrozap AZ-1307 Light Shroud for 12" SkyWatcher Flex Tube Dobsonians
Astrozap's Light Shrouds are a necessary accessory for all owners of Meade Light Bridge open tube (truss) Dobsonian telescopes. Truss telescopes leave a large amount of space open to the air between the primary and secondary. This design saves weight, but
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Astrozap Light Shroud for 12" Meade LightBridge Telescopes - AZ1303
Made from light weight breathable black fabric.
Two ABS bands prevent the light shroud from obstructing the light path.
Upper and lower draw strings.
Blocks stray light & dew from reaching the optics.
Increased image contrast.
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Astrozap Light Shroud for 10" Sky Watcher Flex Tube Dobsonians - AZ1306
Astrozap's Light Shrouds are a necessary accessory for all owners of Meade Light Bridge open tube (truss) Dobsonian telescopes. Truss telescopes leave a large amount of space open to the air between the primary and secondary. This design saves weight, but
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Astrozap Light Shroud for 10" Meade LightBridge Telescopes - AZ1302
For protecting your truss-tube Ritchey-Chretien from the influence of dew and stray light, this Astrozap Light Shroud is an essential accessory. Although the Truss design saves weight, it also leaves a lot of space between the primary and secondary expos
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AstroZap Light Shroud for 16" Truss-Tube RC Telescopes - AZ1316
This 8" light shroud is made from light weight breathable black fabric.
Two ABS bands prevent the shroud from obstructing the light path.
Upper and lower draw strings.
The Skywatcher Dob light shroud blocks stray light & dew from reachi
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Astrozap Light Shroud for 8" Sky-Watcher Flex Tube Dobsonians - AZ1305
Astrozap's Light Shrouds are a necessary accessory for all owners of Meade Light Bridge open tube (truss) Dobsonian telescopes. Truss telescopes leave a large amount of space open to the air between the primary and secondary. This design saves weight, but
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Astrozap Light Shroud for Meade 8" LightBridge Telescopes - AZ1301
An indispensible accessory in the field for truss-tube RC users, the Astrozap Light Shroud protects truss-tube RC telescopes from the negative impacts of dew and stray light. While the Truss design allows for a lighter system, the large amount of open sp
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AstroZap Light Shroud for 14" Truss-Tube RC Telescopes - AZ1314
This AstroZap Light Shroud is an all but indispensible accessory for owners of truss-tube RC telescopes. On the plus side, the Truss design enables a lighter system. However, between the primary and secondary, Truss-Tube telescopes also leave a substanti
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AstroZap Light Shroud for 12" Truss-Tube RC Telescopes - AZ1312
For owners of open truss-tube RC telescopes, this light shroud from Astrozap is an essential accessory. Though the Truss design saves weight, it also leaves a lot of room open to the air between the primary and secondary, leaving the optics prone to dew
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AstroZap Light Shroud for 10" Truss-Tube RC Telescopes - AZ1310
A noticeable characteristic of the Newtonian telescope design is the location of the eyepiece close to the open end of the optical tube. Frequently, stray light travels over to the reverse side of the optical tube, ruining an otherwise enjoyable observin
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AstroZap Light Shield for 16" Dobsonian Telescopes - AZ1204
This Light Shield from Astrozap, proudly made in the USA, blocks stray light from prohibiting dark adaption and concentration. An evident features of Dobsonian telescopes is the eyepiece location near the open end of the optical tube. Stray light often ma
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AstroZap Light Shield for 12" Dobsonian Telescopes - AZ1203
One of the Newtonian telescope design's most evident characteristics is the eyepiece placement near the open end of the optical tube. Stray light frequently travels over the reverse side of the telescope tube, preventing favorable viewing. This Astrozap
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AstroZap Light Shield for 10" Dobsonian Telescopes - AZ1202
A noticeable feature of the Dobsonian telescope design is the location of the eyepiece close to the optical tube's open end. This light shield from AstroZap prohibits erratic stray light, which often makes its way to the opposite side of the optical tube
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AstroZap Light Shield for 8" Dobsonian Telescopes - AZ1201
AstroZap 20"Dust Cover for Telescopes or Dew Shields
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AstroZap 20"Dust Cover for Telescopes or Dew Shields
AstroZap 18" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
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AstroZap 18" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
AstroZap 16" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
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AstroZap 16" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
AstroZap 14" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
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AstroZap 14" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
AstroZap 12" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
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AstroZap 12" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
AstroZap AZ-1410 -10" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
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AstroZap AZ-1410 -10" Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
AstroZap 8" Dobsonian Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
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AstroZap 8" Dobsonian Dust Cover for Telescopes and Dew Shields
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